Acetaminophen: First Aid: Induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry. Seek Attention immediately.
Antihistamines and Decongestants: First Aid: If the dog is alert induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry and seek veterinary attention.
Arsenic: First Aid: If ingested induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry, Seek Veterinary Attention.
Aspirin: First Aid: Induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry, Seek Veterinary Attention.
Batteries: First Aid: Do not induce vomiting, Seek veterinary attention.
Borate: First Aid: Induce vomiting if ingested and use activated charcoal slurry, seek veterinary attention. If on the skin, thoroughly wash the pet with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly. Ensure that you wear protective clothing/gloves to prevent yourself from becoming exposed.
Chocolate: First Aid: Induce vomiting, Seek Veterinary Attention.
Iron: First Aid: Induce vomiting and give Milk of Magnesia to bond with the iron reducing absorption into the body. Egg, water, or milk may also be given. Seek veterinary attention. (Activated charcoal will not bind with iron.)
Lead: First Aid: If ingested induce vomiting, seek veterinary attention.
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs: First Aid: Induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry, Seek Veterinary Attention.
Raisons and Grapes: First Aid: Induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry, Seek Veterinary Attention.
Rodent Poison: First Aid: If poison as just ingested induce vomiting with activated charcoal or syrup of ipecac, Seek Veterinary Attention.
Snail and Slug Bait: First Aid: Give milk and induce vomiting. Seek veterinary attention.
Zink: First Aid: Induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry, Seek veterinary attention.